Comments on: 8 Hacks For Getting the Best Coach Seat on a Plane REWARDS CREDIT CARDS, DEALS, TIPS, DESTINATIONS AND MORE! Fri, 28 Apr 2023 17:23:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: M Higgins Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:28:59 +0000 OMG! Never EVER block an airplane’s emergency exits or even think about taking up an emergency row seat unless your ready, willing & able to perform the duties that go with it (knowing when to, opening the exit door then helping folks exit the airplane in an emergency)!

NEVER even consider that asinine suggestion to use a suitcase as a footstool – thus block the emergency exit! How stupid, selfish & inconsiderate can you get? Anyone that does that should be booted from flying commercially – for life! That potentially puts everyone in your area – possibly the entire plane’s (in certain conditions) worth of passengers in danger of being unable to exit in an emergency- or. minimally, slow the egress down, causing injuries if not deaths. (All airplanes are REQUIRED to be able to clear within 90 SECONDS to provide proper egress security). Far less how any Flight Attendants allowed that to happen is unfathomable… I’m sure the FAA would have a field day if they found out!

Shease people! How selfish & ignorant can you get? Leave the exit rows to those that are tall, need the extra room & are willing & capable of helping if an emergency does occur!

Yes, flying is very safe these days – but stuff can & still does happen…. When it does, it’s usually in a huge hurry & provides little if any warning – far less time & the ability to restore your suitcase in an overhead bin (where it should stay throughout the flight). Consider all aboard vs just your own comfort! If you “need” more “comfort” than is normally offered, hire a personal jet…. I’m sure the rest of us less selfish folks will be grateful & not miss your company.

By: Arabella Domicci Sat, 01 Apr 2023 08:34:29 +0000 Ana Harper – I couldn’t agree with you more. I feel physically ill when I smell a smoker that is just covered in cigarette smell its in their hair and skin and their breath smells like death which isn’t too far away in my opinion for people who smoke. It is a disgusting habit

By: K H Sat, 24 Dec 2022 00:03:21 +0000 I was surprised at Roberta’s response until I looked at the dates on the various comments. Especially since the pandemic, regulations have changed drastically and some people are showing their ugly side. Numerous stories of people refusing to change seats, airline personnel getting attacked verbally and physically and of people behaving so badly that the airline will escort them off the plane and, in some cases, turn the plane around. I thought the candy was a great idea but realize that it could be awkward for the recipient. Around the winter holiday when the miniature candy canes come out, I fill my coat pockets and give one or two to random people, friends, store clerks, bank tellers, etc. Even as they utter a surprised “oh”, I’m walking away. PS. I fly Southwest, no assigned seats, generous baggage and, as I experienced when my wallet was lost and stolen in the terminal, able to get onboard without ID. Just a more thorough luggage and body check.

By: TERRI LEE Fri, 23 Dec 2022 14:53:39 +0000 Totally agreed with your comments. Tried all with no luck.

By: KEVIN M ELMORE Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:54:37 +0000 When I was in the military and traveled by air, I wore my dress uniform. The airlines would usually move me to a first-class seat. I was all ways very polite and respectful of the staff. Never got drunk or caused the stewards any grief. For twenty years this seemed to work very well for me. I don’t travel by air anymore, most of my travel is by auto or train so that I can see America first and last as I have traveled the Orient and Europe extensively.

By: Rick Fri, 04 Nov 2022 03:43:21 +0000 I’d rather drive my car and ignore all of the above, frankly.

By: Anna Harper Mon, 24 Oct 2022 16:37:15 +0000 I think people who smoke should still (even though thank God they can’t smoke on a plane now) be seated in a secluded section. Was feeling very sick sitting next to a woman who reeked secondhand smoke, had to make a plea to be moved. Luckily, I was moved.

By: Roberta Waters Wed, 22 Jun 2022 16:35:47 +0000 I have tried all of the above without luck – always well dressed, courteous. Have had gate agents tell me theyare not allowed to accept gifts (candy, etc.). The airlines want our money time and again. Don’t hold your breath with any of these suggestions to get upgraded or improved seat assignments. My motto is always “what you see is what you get”. Seat Guru help initially with seat selection but again, there are not guarantees. My group has been split time and again for somebody like a single parent with a kid. How about me and my husband each wanting to sit next to one of our own kids. Nervy of gate attendants in my book

By: Juan Ovalle Sun, 12 Aug 2018 14:09:37 +0000 Amazing tips! Will have to make use of Seat Guru, Seat Expert and Expert Flyer for my next flight!

By: james carter Wed, 20 Jun 2018 12:09:42 +0000 Wow! This looks incredible post and information. These are really very best things you shared and beautiful pictures you capture. I would love to go there.
