Credit card in ItalyCheck Your Bank Account After a Trip
Intel Security recently polled almost 14,000 people to measure their use of technology away from home and the security risks that come out of it. There’s some interesting stuff throughout it, including the fact that roughly 55% of respondents who planned to disconnect from technology were unable to follow through. I’ve even written about some of the featured wisdom before (like in this tip about sharing boarding passes).

One part, however, inspired a new tip: Check your bank and credit card accounts immediately after you return from a trip. It’s good practice to monitor your spending for fraud in general, but right after a visit to a foreign place is as important a time to check as any. An unfamiliar destination comes with unfamiliar risks, including scammers, etc. Tourist destinations, like European capitals, carry bigger risks, as well.

Look over your accounts while everything is still fresh. And if you do notice something, reporting it early will hopefully make it easier to resolve the issue.

Related: Our top travel credit card picks.



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3 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Check Your Bank Account After a Trip"
  1. Dan Kraft|

    Every bank and credit card company allows you to send a daily “notification ” by text or email of your balance or any foreign transactions. This way you can be aware of any fraudulent activity from the cards you have with you or even the ones you have left at home.
    Every US Bank permits collect calls in case you notice anything suspicious. Waiting until you get home to check your accounts is a foolish and unnecessary recommendation.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      I agree. Will make this a reader tip

  2. Barbara|

    It’s best to check accounts daily for several weeks after returning home. I was told a few years back by Bank of America there were no foreign transaction fees. A month after my return I was hit with $680.00 dollars worth of transaction fees. There was a class action suit, but there were so many involved that three years later. I received $25.00. I was once also a victim of the Arco Gas Stations skimmers fraud. The criminals did not try to access my account for almost a year after I used that particular gas station. In that case the bank returned all my money. However, I have learned to monitor all my accounts regularly and to try and not use a machine that is outside. If I have to I look and feel it carefully.

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