M60 Bus NYC 2M60 Bus Update
I’ve written about the M60 bus before as it’s the most economical way to get to/from New York’s LaGuardia (LGA) airport from/to Manhattan. However, I almost missed the bus the other day when I didn’t realize that the bus from 125th Street to LGA is now express—or so it seemed.

Some New York-savvy readers have shared that the M60 is a SBS (Select Bus Service) that costs the usual $2.75—but that the difference is that you can’t pay on the bus with cash or your MetroCard. So when taking the M60, make sure to use the MetroCard fare collection machine on the street and hold on to your receipt to prove that you paid in case someone asks. Here’s the MTA’s site for more information.



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4 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: M60 Bus Update"
  1. Chanel | Cultural Xplorer|

    There are machines at the express bus stops that you put your Metrocard into and you get a receipt, which allows you to enter the bus :D

  2. WTF|

    The M60 isn’t an Express Bus, it’s a Select Bus Service bus. Express Buses have a name starting with X like X14. They also cost more ($6). Select Bus Service buses have standard names based on geography like M60 or M15 and cost the same as regular buses.

    The ONLY difference is that SBS buses collect fare PRIOR to boarding and are a proof-of-payment product instead of collecting on the bus. This speeds boarding, especially combined with being able to board at all doors on the bus.

    Please fix this post. People DON’T need to buy a 7 day Express Bus Metrocard (HUGE waste of money). They DO need to pay before they board and keep their receipt. That’s it.

  3. David Smith|

    Thanks for your information.

  4. E|

    This article is INCORRECT. M60 is NOT an “express” bus (which costs $6.50 as of 3/22/15). Its a select bus service (SBS) and costs the same as a regular bus ($2.75 per ride as of 3/22/15). Difference is you pay on the street using the machines instead of on the bus, which then you just board the bus with any of the doors holding on to your receipt you received from the machines. This method theoretically makes the bus goes faster. Also note that you NOT need a Express Bus Plus MetroCard since this isnt an express bus (although you can). COINS are also accepted at these machines! However in my opinion, M60 isnt always the best way to get to LGA. There can be tons of traffic along the route the M60 travels on (especially on the bridge). I would suggest to take the E or F to Roosevelt Ave station and take the Q70 bus from there. The bus is right outside the subway stations and makes no stops from Roosevelt Ave station to LGA (takes about 8 minutes). This is almost like an ‘express’ bus but it costs like a regular bus (you pay onboard). If you use a metrocard, its a free transfer from the subway to the bus.

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