PicForNewsletter-Nagpur-India-2008-23Don’t Flash Lights or Yell at Crazy Drivers
When I see someone driving erratically, a little something goes off inside my head to yell at them. This happened the other day when some guy flew by my wife and me at double the speed limit. Instinctively, I flashed my high beams, even though it was daytime, to say, “slow the heck down!” The driver stuck out his arm and aggressively flipped me the bird. A few blocks down the road he was stopped at a red light (it really pays to speed, eh?). He started yelling at me through his passenger window like he wanted to fight. Fortunately, I was turning right and he was a couple lanes over so he didn’t follow me. But it was then that I realized I was the dummy for getting involved.

This irate man (maybe 30-years-old) obviously had psychological problems and who knows if he had a gun, especially in this day and age. Then I remembered something an Aussie guy, who was living in Mexico at the time, once said to me on a plane. He said that if you see people driving crazy, you never honk the horn, yell or flash your lights. They could be gang members who have no respect for human life and will shoot you over something trivial. While it may seem unlikely for something like that to happen, you just never know so always exercise caution on the roads, not just with your own driving but with your reaction to other drivers, as well.

FYI: In India (like Nagpur, the “city of oranges,” above), the driving is crazier than it is the States.



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3 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Don’t Flash Lights or Yell at Crazy Drivers"
  1. Kristine|

    True, especially these days. Sometimes a driver is ill, however, in which you could watch him or follow without making any “noise” that might make him go off on you if he is a crazy person. Many people have heart attacks or strokes while driving.

  2. Don Hall|

    You know what is crazy about India traffic? Are you ready? It actually works!

  3. Nolan Crucwick|

    A better reaction would be to call 911 and report the reckless driver. You get the satisfaction of having done something positive, and hopefully, the driver will get his/her due down the road.

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